But what if you press the above-mentioned keyboard combinations, Windows captures the screenshot, but it is not being saved. This will, of course, disappoint you, but if it is really important, you can just open Paint (native image editor in Windows) and press Ctrl + V (paste), and you’ll now see the captured screenshot inside Paint in editing mode –  which you can save as an image in your desired format. Anyway, let’s stick to the topic and find out how to fix the issue so that Windows can save the screenshots directly inside the Pictures library.

Windows 11/10 not saving captured Screenshots in Pictures folder

If Windows 11/10 not saving captured Screenshots in the Pictures – Screenshots folder, do the following: To learn more about these steps, continue reading.

  1. Create a system restore point first and then press Windows Key + R combination, type put Regedt32.exe in the Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate to the following location:

  3. In the right pane of this location look for the ScreenshotIndex named DWORD (REG_DWORD). Since you’re facing the issue of screenshots not being saved, you’ll find this DWORD missing. To create the same using Right-click > New > DWORD Value. Double click on the same DWORD to modify its Value data.

  4. In the above-shown box, first, select the Decimal base and then input the Value data as 695. Click OK. Now to point out this registry DWORD to correct user profile settings, you should check out the User Shell Folders entry inside Registry Editor. So move here:

  5. In the right pane of this location, click on the {B7BEDE81-DF94-4682-A7D8-57A52620B86F} entry which is an expandable string (REG_EXPAND_SZ). Make sure it points to the following Value data:

After confirming the Value data, you can close the Registry Editor and reboot. Now, try to capture screenshots, you’ll observe that screenshots got saved where they should be, which means the issue has been resolved.

Why my screenshot is not saving?

There could be different reasons why your computer is not saving your screenshots upon clicking the Win+PrintScreen button. However, one of the reasons might be the wrong Value data in the Registry file. For that, you need to open the ScheenshotIndex REG_DWORD value and enter 695. You can also check the aforementioned guide to know more about this.

How do I change where my screenshots are saved Windows 11/10?

To change the default location of where your screenshots are saved, you need to change the location of the Pictures Library folder. It is possible to change the default save location for Pictures, and it is via Registry Editor. Once you change the default save location, your computer will automatically save your screenshots in the new location.

Why can’t I find my screenshots?

Some of the reasons for not finding your screenshots on Windows 11/10 are changing the location of your default folder, Pictures, and corrupted registry file. As mentioned earlier, if the registry file doesn’t contain the correct Value data, you might confront the issues as stated here. NOTE: Please also read the comments below for more ideas. Check this post if you want to change the Print Screen folder location in Windows.