There are some additional things like filtering out processes that you can do with this which we are going to talk about in this article.
Use TaskList to save Windows Processes to a Text file
TaskList displays a list of currently running processes on the local computer or on a remote computer. First of all, you would have to open Command Prompt. You can do this by searching for Command Prompt in the Cortana Search Box or just hitting the WINKEY + X button combination and clicking on Command Prompt. You need not run the Command Prompt with Administrative privileges to do this. Now, just type in tasklist. This will list up all the tasks with their Process IDs, Session Type, Name, Memory Usage and Session Number.
You can scroll over vertically inside the Command Prompt to check through all these Processes.
Now comes the time when you need to share this list with others or just to save it for your use in the future.
For this just type in the following command,
This command can be segregated as: tasklist >
Not only TXT but this program also supports saving of these processes to various file extensions. You can use commands like tasklist /fo csv in order to display the list of processes in a comma-separated format instead. Sometimes, you just need to filter out what you save in the TXT file. Maybe you need to see processes that are using the memory over a particular threshold, or maybe the ones with the Process ID over 500 and more. So, you can do this too. Here are some commands that can be used to filter out stuff in the whole big list of tasks:
tasklist /fi “USERNAME eq Ayush”: This command will help you filter out processes that are running under the name of the user called, Ayush. tasklist /fi “USERNAME ne NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” /fi “STATUS eq running”: This command will help you filter out processes that are running under the system process. tasklist /fi “MODULES eq ac*”: This command will help you to filter out processes that have a DLL that begins with ac.tasklist /fi “PID gt 500”: This command will help you to filter out processes that have their process ID greater than 500.tasklist /fi “MEMUSAGE gt 2048”: This process will help you to filter out processes that have their Memory Usage more than 2MBs.
These filtering commands can also be combined with different parameters to filter out even more. For example,
This command will help users to list all the processes tom the remote computer called as BaseComp which use more than 2MB of RAM. Also, you can just save all these filtered out processes into a TXT file using the >