Gmail has a similar feature, Snooze, which can remind you about the emails on the chosen date. The same can be achieved in Outlook as well.

How to Follow Up emails in Outlook

  Let us see how to how to send follow-up emails using the Follow Up feature in Outlook for IMAP, Microsoft accounts & Business Exchange accounts

Open Outlook and select the email you want to follow up.Right-click on the email, and click on Follow-up to expand for further optionsYou will get quick access to Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week, No Date, Custom. You can also add as a reminder

The email will have a red flag next to it, and if you open the email, it will have the follow-up details. Such emails will also have a yellow background to help you identify them quickly. To view only those emails which need a follow-up, click on Filter Email option under Find and then select flagged. Once you are done following up, to remove this from the follow-up email list in Outlook, you have two options.  Right-click on it and click on

Mark Complete option, it will delete it from, the task listIf you choose Clear Flag, it will remove the flag next to it.

You can use either of them, depending on what you like more.  If you choose Mark Complete, you will get a green color “Tick mark” while the clear flag action doesn’t create it. So if you are a task-oriented guy, use the former.

Does this feature work with all accounts?

While it works with Microsoft and exchange accounts, it doesn’t work with IMPA-enabled accounts. This feature needs extra metadata to be included, and not every email service offers that. But there is a workaround available.

Select the email, right-click on it and choose Move to > Other Folder or Copy to FolderIn the popup window, scroll to the end to find TasksIt will open the new Task window where you can add the time to follow up on the email.From next time, the Task option will be available upfront in the context menu.

Follow-up email is essential for users who need to chase out clients,  send friendly reminders in case someone missed their email, and so on. I hope this post helps you create follow-up emails in Outlook for both IMPA accounts and Microsoft/Business Exchange accounts.