How to enable Save As prompt in Google Chrome
To enable Save As prompt in Google Chrome, follow these steps: Let’s delve into these steps in detail. First, you need to open the Google Chrome browser, click on the three-dotted icon and select the Settings option. Then, expand the Advanced menu on the left-hand side and select the Downloads. Here you can find an option called Ask where to save each file before downloading. You need to toggle this button to turn it on.
That’s all! After that, Google Chrome will ask you to choose a location before downloading a file.
How to enable Save As prompt in Google Chrome using Group Policy
To enable Save As prompt in Google Chrome using Group Policy, follow these steps: To know more about these steps, keep reading. First, it is required to open the Local Group Policy Editor. To do that, press Win+R to display the Run prompt, type gpedit.msc, and press the OK button. After that, navigate to this path: For current user: User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Google > Google Chrome For all users: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Google > Google Chrome Double-click on the Ask where to save each file before downloading setting on the right-side and choose the Enabled option.
Click the OK button to save the change. However, if you want to save all files in the Downloads folder or the default folder, you need to open the same setting in the Local Group Policy Editor and choose the Not Configured option.
How to allow Chrome to ask where to save file before downloading
To allow Chrome to ask where to save file before downloading, follow these steps: Let’s check out these steps in detail. To get started, search for regedit in the Taskbar search box, click the individual search result and click the Yes button to open the Registry Editor on your computer. Then, navigate to this path: For current user: For all users: However, if you cannot find the Google key, you need to create it manually. For that, right-click on Policies > New > Key and name it Google. Following that, right-click on Google > New > Key and set the name as Chrome.
Once done, you need to create a REG_DWORD value. To do that, right-click on the Chrome key, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it as PromptForDownloadLocation.
Double-click on this REG_DWORD value and set the Value data as 1.
Then, click the OK button, close all windows, and restart your PC to get the change. However, if you do not want to allow Google Chrome to ask for the location while downloading a file on your computer, you have two options. First, you can navigate to the same path, open the same REG_DWORD value, and set the Value data as 0. Second, you can delete the respective REG_DWORD value.
How do I enable Save As in Chrome?
To enable Save As in Google Chrome, you have three options, and you can follow any of them. However, the easiest way to enable this prompt is by using the in-built settings panel. For that, you need to follow the very first method mentioned in this article. From the settings panel, you need to toggle the Ask where to save each file before downloading setting.
How do I get Chrome to ask me where to save?
To get Google Chrome to ask you where to save or download a file, you need to turn on the Ask where to save each file before downloading setting. On the other hand, you can use the Local Group Policy Editor and the Registry Editor as well. In the GPEDIT, you need to open the Ask where to save each file before downloading setting and choose the Enabled option. Read:
How to enable Download Prompt on FirefoxEnable Save As Download Prompt in Edge browser.