Download official Google Chrome themes

Most of these themes, are basic color shaded ones, with no special decorations. I would call it perfect for those who prefer their browser window simple. The themes are as follows:

1] Just Black:

For the times when you are moody, the black theme, as classy as it is, would help with keeping up with the mystical feel. The color is elegant, and the theme is stylish. Black is known to absorb energy, which also helps keep away negativity at work and helps you build concentration, at least psychologically.

2] Slate:

The slate theme, with its shades of blue, is cool and composed. The color represents wisdom and confidence and is known to calm the surroundings. It prevents chaos, which in terms of net browsing means you would be able to handle your business cool-headedly.

3] Oceanic:

The Oceanic theme uses a shade of blue that represents the color of the great seas. The shade represents mystery associated with the depth of the oceans. It would help you realize that you aren’t alone with your issues, for there’s a huge world of opportunities and problems out there.

4] Ultra-Violet:

Ideally, the ultra-violet spectrum of light radiation wasn’t supposed to be visible to the human eye, but they used a normal shade of violet for the theme. It represents inspiration, creativity, and compassion.

5] Classic Blue:

This theme uses the blue color used by traditional computers, especially those running with older versions of Windows. It gives a classic appeal and a sense of simplicity. If you like that classy feel for your browser, this theme would be perfect for your work.

6] Banana:

The color of a banana doubles up as a milder representation of sunshine. The color is vivacious, fruity, and gives a childlike feeling. At work, it is sure to light up your mood and motivate towards your goal.

7] Black and White:

They call black and white a timeless combination for a reason. It is conflicting, yet engaging. White reflect energy, and black absorbs it. One tries to induce peace, while the other creates mystery. Both are low on energy, yet keep calm.

8] Honeysuckle:

One of the sweetest color and fragrance is that of Honeysuckle. You can create the same aura at your workplace with the Honeysuckle theme. Perfect for invoking summer days, the theme could help improve upon your mood.

9] Rose:

Contrary to the name, the Rose theme is a lighter shade of magenta. The blush color for your browser is suave, yet bold. It could help you maintain class at work and also encourage you to work with confidence and self-esteem. It also helps in reminding you of your loved ones.

10] Serenity:

Serenity is perhaps the most beautiful of themes available in the package. Blue is a very moody and powerful color. Every shade has a different meaning, and when we combine two shades of the color, it means a lot more. This is the concept Serenity has used.

11] Sea Foam:

The sea looks calm but is turbulent deep down inside. Pretty similar to a stressed person. However, the calm on the shore is accompanied by sea foam, with is both soothing and assuring. This theme could be helpful in keeping calm while working on your system.

12] Marsala:

The Marsala theme is warm and sweet, similar to summer in Italy. This unique color is a shade somewhere between magenta and brown. Basically, Marsala is an Italian wine, which found its place into the recipes of regional cuisine. However, fame extends such that Google named a theme after it.

13] High Contrast Colorful:

This High Contrast Colorful is clearly the boldest of options in this series. The brightest of brightest color matched with the darkest of dark color create a contrast that is unmatched. This theme is perfect for those who found all other themes too mainstream. The theme would probably inspire you towards breaking the norms and trying something creative.

14] Pretty in Pink:

Pretty in Pink one the most elegant of shades of pink. Mostly used to display a fashion statement, the color is feminine. Pink in this form would inspire you, especially if you are a woman to proceed towards your goals. If pink makes you happy, this theme is worth trying How to install the Chrome themes Open your Google Chrome browser and navigate to Chrome’s web store to check their collection of themes. Select your favorite theme and click on Add to Chrome. Let us know if you do plan to install one of them!